Free 14 day trial

Today we are introducing a free 14-day trial period for everyone that signs up for our service. After signing up, you will be able to use the full version of Tom's Planner for 14 days. Free of charge, no strings attached. This allows you to give our software a solid and extensive try before you decide whether or not to purchase a paid subscription. All features will be included in the trial period.

The personal, free account that we had before will not be available anymore, but when you are invited to collaborate on a chart with someone else, you can signup for a free guest account. So if you want to collaborate with others on a chart that is still 100% free. Like before.

If you have a free Personal account, there is no need to worry. Existing free accounts will stay active and valid ad infinitum.

The idea behind this switch is that we want to offer a better experience when signing up. Until now you could only test a limited version of Tom's Planner. With the free trial period, you can test the full version with all the features activated. 

We will run this offer for at least two months and monitor the user experience closely. After two months, we will evaluate things and decide whether to revert back to the old situation or stick with this new approach. 

Just to be clear, everyone will always keep the account they signed up for or upgraded to. We will never take away or downgrade what you already have. And if you want to invite others to collaborate on a chart, they will always be able to signup for a free account to accept your invitation. This stays the same no matter what because we think it's an important part of our service.

We hope this will be a significant improvement. Other online products are using the same approach, so we are excited to see what happens next. 

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