New Feature: Filtering & Searching in your Gantt Charts

From today you can now use filters in our online Gantt charts. This gives you the ability to filter through your project in a variety of ways; including symbol searching and searching within a specific time period.

Filtering your project is simple and easy to do in keeping with our usability.

  • Press the new button “Filter/Search” on the top toolbar.
  • Add any filter you would like.

It will automatically show you the results, with no need to press apply.

You can currently filter your project in several ways. Filter by selected words, numbers, symbols, colors, and time periods. You can also use multiple methods of filtering at the same time. So if you use a symbol for a meeting you can simply press on the symbol and type in a name to see if they are scheduled within that meeting.

In the following example, we want to find out when the intern Tom Smith is working, so we can simply filter by the color blue, which represents when our intern is scheduled - giving us a quick result.

Your filter is also applied when you go to print your schedule, so if you only need specific parts of your schedule for printing, you can now filter them out and print them.

Currently, the Filtering feature is available for everyone. Starting in August 2014, it will only be available for paid accounts.

In the next few weeks, additional functionality will be rolling out on our new filtering feature.

We will also be adding the option to filter activities by specific start and end dates. As well as the ability to apply currently active filters to your charts that you can utilize with exported or published schedules, or additionally when using our embed feature. You will also be able to save filters you make, saving you the extra time with frequently searched schedules.

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