FREE Office Renovation Project Plan Template

Master office renovation project plan timelines with our intuitive office renovation project plan Gantt chart template.

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Why use our Office Renovation Project Plan Template instead of Excel or Google Sheets?

Get started with our Office Renovation Project Plan Template in seconds while skipping the hassle involved with Excel or Google Sheets.

Build Gantt charts in minutes, not hours.

Build Gantt charts in minutes, not hours.

No project management experience? No problem. Tom's Planner offers a user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface that's intuitive and easy to learn. Creating Gantt charts is a breeze, saving you time and effort. Compare that to the time-consuming, frustrating, manual formatting-intensive process of building a Gantt chart in Excel or Google Sheets.

Create a Gantt chart in minutes, not hours

Move at the pace of modern business with no learning curve or Googling formulas.

Good luck figuring out how to make a Gantt chart work in Excel or Google Sheets. Excel’s user manual weighs in at a hefty 500+ pages. It takes just five minutes with Tom’s Planner to start planning your first real project plan.

Create a Gantt chart in minutes, not hours

Headache-free collaboration and sharing.

Tom's Planner offers powerful options for sharing and collaborating on Gantt charts, including public links, PDF exports, and team access with customizable permission levels. It’s never been easier to communicate or ensure everyone’s on the same page. Compare that to Excel, where sharing and collaboration mean jumping through hoop after hoop and dealing with confusion and chaos.

How to use Tom’s Planner’s office renovation project plan template to build and share your office renovation project.

Getting your project off the ground is as easy as 1-2-3.

Step #1

Click the 'start with template’ button to open the Office Renovation Project Plan Template.

Step #2

Register for a free account and watch a short video on using Tom’s Planner. The account is free forever, with no strings attached.

Step #3

You’re all set to use the Gantt chart template. Need additional help? Our AI assistant can create a custom Gantt chart Office Renovation Project Plan Template based on your project description.

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What is an office renovation project plan template?

Planning an office renovation? You’ll need more than an office refurbishment checklist to guide your project to a successful conclusion. Office renovation projects can be quite in-depth and because even smaller projects can interrupt work, you’ll need to minimize those disruptions with an accurate plan to help protect both productivity and profitability.

An office renovation project plan template can help here. In a nutshell, this tool allows you to plan out every detail of your renovation project ahead of time, organize critical elements, assign and track tasks, and keep the project on time and budget.

Planning for success with a Gantt chart

An office renovation project plan template helps you visualize the progress of your project, organize resources, and improve communication with those involved. Some of the benefits you’ll see include being able to budget for the entire project at one time, managing stakeholder expectations, allocating people and resources to accelerate completion, and avoiding surprises that might extend the project.

While each project is unique, some of the most commonly used fields in an office renovation project Gantt chart include:

  • Tasks and subtasks
  • Task dependencies
  • Contractors and subcontractors assigned
  • Task completion percentage
  • Project completion percentage
  • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) codes

With a tool like Tom’s Planner, you can take your planning capabilities to the next level with customizations, such as:

  • Inventory and allocation of materials/supplies
  • Contractors assigned to tasks
  • Expense tracking versus schedule of values
  • Key project milestones and achievements
  • Task and subtask dependencies

It’s all about planning. An office renovation project plan template ensures that you can create an accurate plan that will guide your project to success.

When to use an office renovation project plan template

While it might seem counterintuitive, any office renovation project can benefit from having a plan in place. Some of the key times to use a Gantt chart like Tom’s Planner include:

Planning Phase:

There is no part of your project more critical than the planning phase. This is when you strategize the entire project and using a Gantt chart ensures that you can create visual elements like timelines, budget allocations, material/supplies required, and more.

Client Communication:

Communication is essential throughout the office renovation project. This is particularly true between the contractor/subcontractors and the client. A Gantt chart helps define tasks and their dependencies, as well as specifying the project’s status to keep everyone on the same page.

During the Project:

The office renovation project plan isn’t a static document. Projects are organic and they can grow and change. Your project plan must be updated regularly to reflect this evolution in real time so you can proactively manage any potential issues that might appear.

An office renovation project plan is a living, customizable document that evolves with your project while providing the opportunity to plan for success.

Who should use an office renovation project plan template?

An office renovation project plan template is best used by contractors, construction companies, and project managers. Some of the most common users include:

Project Managers:

Any office renovation project will have at least one project manager, but likely more than one. Using a Gantt chart helps project managers keep their teams organized and on track, ensures they can oversee all phases of the project, and makes resource allocation easier.

Contractors and Subcontractors:

Chances are good that you’ll outsource at least some part of your office renovation project to contractors or subcontractors. These professionals can use the office renovation project plan to schedule their timing and synchronize their work with other tradespeople.

Other Stakeholders:

Your office renovation project will disrupt operations to some degree. You’ll need to include a wide range of stakeholders in the planning process and give them access to your renovation project Gantt chart so they can see timelines, completion percentages, and other important information.

Using an office renovation project plan is the key to your project’s success when it comes to timelines and managing your budget effectively.

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The top three pitfalls to avoid when planning an office renovation project

Keeping your renovation project on track is crucial. Avoiding these three pitfalls will help.

  1. Failing to set milestones:

    Milestones represent key points in the path to project completion. They help to provide a sense of progress and accomplishment, but they can also mark other important events, like when a new part of the project can begin or when a particular subcontractor will be required.


    Work with other stakeholders to set accurate milestones and create visual representations of progress toward those milestones.

  2. Failure to plan and budget:

    One of the most common missteps when creating an office renovation project plan template is related to the budget. Often, businesses estimate on the low side, assuming they can cut corners here or there without facing any repercussions. The problem is that this usually comes back to haunt you and often means paying more at the end of the project than if things had simply been done correctly the first time. Examples include buying low-grade paint, hiring the cheapest contractors, and investing in low-cost flooring that won’t stand the test of time and hard use.


    Work with contractors and others in the early planning stages to accurately forecast costs of materials and supplies, as well as labor and other factors so you can budget accurately. Then, track your costs as the project progresses.

  3. Failing to ensure accountability within the project:

    Accountability is critical at all stages and across all teams involved in the workspace refurbishment project. While the project manager will have the most responsibility, everyone involved should understand the importance of their role in the final result.


    Use a Gantt chart to assign tasks and correlate subtasks with specific contractors and subcontractors. Include contact information and other relevant details.

What does an office renovation project plan template include?

No two office renovation project plan templates will be identical. Many factors play a role in what your plan includes, such as the size of your office, the number of people who work in it, the age of your equipment, the scope of the renovation, and even your industry.

For instance, a project that involves renovating a four-story building, including an entire IT department and server room will require very different planning than a project that involves renovating a handful of traditional offices and two dozen cubicles.

So, what might be included in your office renovation project plan template? While each one is different, you’ll want a strong foundation and that means including some commonly shared attributes and features.

  1. Feasibility:

    The first step is to determine if the project is feasible. If so, what factors must be in place to make it so? For instance, you might need to conduct most of the work in the evenings or over weekends to avoid disruptions.

  2. Scope:

    What’s the scope of your office renovation? Are you repainting walls and installing new carpet, or does it go deeper? What about new furniture and equipment? Spell out the scope of the project so that all involved are on the same page.

  3. Budget:

    Planning an office renovation means having a good idea of what it will cost you. Your office renovation project plan template should break down the costs of each stage of the renovation so that you can see at a glance what you’re spending and where. It’s not just about the total amount. It’s about visibility into all cost-related factors.

  4. Timeline:

    What’s your predicted timeline for the renovation? Will breaking it up over nights and weekends extend it too much? Would it be more feasible to close the office entirely until the project is done? Create an accurate office renovation timeline that includes key milestones.

  5. People:

    Who’s involved in the project? What is each person’s responsibility? How do these responsibilities dovetail with one another? What are the dependencies between tasks? Who’s managing each team? Is there a sponsor in the C-suite?

  6. Permits:

    Will the project require any special permits? If so, what do they cost and how long ahead of time must you apply for them?

  7. Inspections:

    Will your office renovation be significant enough to require an inspection when it’s done? Who will handle the inspection? Do you need a licensed state inspector or can a team or stakeholder within the organization handle that responsibility? This is tied directly to the scope of the renovation. Minor changes like repainting and installing new carpet usually don’t need a licensed inspector, but structural changes and those to electrical, plumbing, or HVAC systems will.

Four tips on how to make sure you reach your deadlines

Plan effectively from the start

Without a plan, your project is likely to fail. That’s true no matter who’s involved or how much experience they might have. Create a detailed office renovation project plan using Tom’s Planner so that your project has the best possible chance of success.

Make your brief as detailed as possible

The project brief outlines everything you’re attempting to do. Make it as detailed as possible, connecting the dots between teams and their responsibilities, tasks and their dependencies, and more. This will help ensure smooth, consistent progress.

Work with a designer if possible

While some office renovation projects won’t need a designer, many do. If possible, bring a professional, experienced designer on board who can help you bring everything together and provide you with a cohesive design.

Know when to outsource

You might be able to handle some or even most of the project with in-house help. However, is that the wisest use of their talents? Know what parts of the project must be outsourced and which you can use in-house people for. Note that most of the time, technical and skilled work will need to be outsourced while more basic tasks like moving furniture or putting equipment in storage can be handled by people within the office.

Gantt charts in Tom's Planner vs in Excel

Excel Tom's Planner
Cost License required Free version available
Learning curve Hours Minutes
Create your first Gantt chart Hours Minutes
Making an update in your chart Several minutes Seconds (drag & drop)
Sharing charts with others At some point you will save and email a file titled: version_4_def_usethisversion_reallyfinal.xlsx Online, one source of truth, always up to date, with no confusion
Look & Feel Messy Clean, polished and professional
Zoom in/out
Automatic Legend
AI-assist Let our AI assist do the work for you
Export to image or pdf Requires workarounds to export One mouse click

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